We talk a lot about self-care and treating ourselves with self-love and self-compassion. I don’t want to beat a dead horse but I feel compelled to leave a short and redundant message in this blog today. I was reminded of a metaphor and it all made sense to me…

Have you ever flown on a plane? If you have, you will know exactly what I’m referring to right now…

Flight attendants start off every plane flight with safety demos. They stand in the front of the aisles lip synching to the audio tape while describing how to practice safety on the plane. You know the part about the oxygen masks? Well, the flight attendants instruct us to put our oxygen masks on first before our kids, loved ones, etc. Why? Because if we don’t have our oxygen on, how in the world can we help someone else with their oxygen? The ugly truth is, if we don’t put ourselves first, we may not survive.

I’m going to leave this blog short and sweet with this friendly and life-sustaining reminder. I’m curious what you think about this metaphor for self-care and life? I welcome you to leave comments in the comment section below.


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