Hey All! I was in an awesome meditative yoga class the other day and the teacher asked us to think about this question, “What 3 things do you love the most?” I pretty quickly answered in my head, “my family, my boyfriend and my friends”. Those are all great things, right? I’m lucky to have all of those people in my life! But wait, what about me? The yoga teacher continued by asking, “How many of you listed yourself as one of the 3 things?” It got me thinking…how often do I neglect myself as an importance in my life? What would my life look like if I prioritized myself more? I know that I am getting much better at self-care and practicing self-love and self-compassion. AND there is a lot of room for growth. And so, I challenge everyone to prioritize yourself and really practice self-love by starting off your day with 1 self-care action. I recommend you refer to the “Our Hour Self-Care Check-In” under the “Emotional Wellness” tab. We can practice prioritizing ourselves by literally putting ourselves first. And so, what can you do for yourself first thing when you wake up tomorrow morning? Let me know how this experience was for you!


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