Before I found and settled into my own recovery, I was experiencing a roller coaster of ups and downs (to say the least!). My life was very chaotic and I was very unhealthy. I was in a dark place feeling very hopeless. I was at my rock bottom. Have you ever been in such a deep ditch it felt impossible to climb out? Well, that was me! During this time, I was living with my parents. I overheard my parents talking in their concerned and distressed voices about me (I was used to this by now). I was tense and angry like an oppositional child. I was in defense mode ready to ambush their conversation and spew out a million justifications for my sorry life and behaviors. And then I heard my dad say, “She needs to find a purpose in life.” That moment marked the beginning of my transformation and my emotional wellness journey. With the help of my support system, I got involved in service work in the community. In helping others I feel purposeful in this world. Helping others is my purpose. Helping others helps me.

I wanted to use this story for today’s blog because I wonder how many of us have lost our sense of purpose in the past weeks/month because of the pandemic. My purpose is surely being threatened but I am stubbornly trying to keep it alive and keep myself moving forward. In order to get through these trying times, you must feel like you are of purpose.

I want to let you know that you have a purpose. We all have a purpose. You are the creator of your purpose. I can tell you over and over again all of the things you do for me and the world right now but that means nothing. YOU need to define your purpose and YOU need to tell yourself what your meaning is.

So where can you start? Before the pandemic, what was your purpose in life? Is that purpose still alive right now? If yes, AWESOME! Don’t fix something that’s not broken. If no, dig deep. Sit in silence and think about you and your passions. What can you do right now for yourself, your family, loved ones, community, world? Use your creativity and imagination. Don’t leave that place of silence and meditation until you have an answer.

YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE. Find your purpose, do it, live it and you will find healing.

Feel free to use the comment section below to let us know what your purpose in life is right now! We are here to help! And so, if you are struggling to find your purpose, let us know! We will help you find healing. Check out the Emotional Wellness Tab and Self-Affirmation Tab for more!


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